
 Imo Election Tribunal Judgement: A travesty of justice – PDP

*APC applauds verdict

From Everest Ezihe, Owerri

Last Friday’s judgement by the Imo State Governorship Election Tribunal sitting in Abuja, upholding the election of Governor Hope Uzodimma of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has been described by the Imo State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as a travesty of justice, even as the APC hails the verdict.

Mr. Lancelot Obiaku, Director-General of the Imo PDP New Media, in a statement in Owerri, pointed out that his political party has vowed to continue fighting for justice, describing the judgment as “a travesty”.

PDP equally raised the alarm over alleged fake video circulating on the social media, purporting to show a crowd jubliating in Owerri over the Friday’s tribunal judgment in favour of Gov. Uzodimma.

 Obiaku urged membera of the public to disregard the video, saying it never happened anywhere in the capital city or any other part of the state adding that it was an video in an unrelated subject matter that was tagged to be a recent one.

He further insisted  that Imo people are tired of Uzodimma’s government and are yearning for a change.

Meanwhile, the All Progressives Congress (APC), Imo State Chapter, has hailed the judgment describing it as a testament to Uzodimma’s “broad popularity and the confidence reposed in him by the people of the state”.

In a press statement by the State Publicity Secretary, Cajetan Duke, the party congratulated Gov. Uzodimma on his “reaffirmation of his mandate”, saying “the victory belongs to every Imolite who believes in the progress and developmental strides of the APC-led administration”.

Duke reassured that his political party rededicate the triumphant moment to the good and resourceful people of Imo State, whose unwavering support he said has been instrumental in achieving the success.

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