
NUJ to Govt: Stop intimidation, harassment of journalists, punish culprits

By Emma Okereh

Alarmed by the spate of intimidation and harassment unleashed on journalists who were carrying out their constitutional duties during the August 1 national protest, the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), has called for the arrest and punishment of both state and non state actors that perpetrated the act.

It equally expressed exasperation that in spite it’s engagement with government officials and agencies on how to collaborate and work towards achieving same goal, its members are still being harassed on the line of duty.

A statement by the national secretary, Achike Chude condemned the action and demanded that compensation be made to journalists whose working tools were either damaged or seized. In addition, it also called for a thorough investigation into the ugly conduct.

A good number of journalists across the country were maltreated while covering the nationwide protest.

He assured that journalists cannot be cowed from doing their job of informing and holding people and government to account.
“We want to assure Nigerians and the authorities that journalists will neither be cowed nor deterred from carrying out their responsibilities of engaging with the society with a view to informing, enlightening and educating the citizens for the purpose of promoting the public good.”

The statement in part reads:

“Following the series of protests that rocked many parts of the country on Thursday and Friday the 1st and 2nd of August 2024, Nigerian journalists in their numbers went out as required by the demands of the profession to cover the events.

“Unfortunately, the hydra headed monster of journalist intimidation, harassments and siezures of both official and personal assets of members of the press reared its ugly head once more. These acts were carried out by both state and non-state actors. This sordid and unaceptable state of affairs, especially those perpetrated by state actors is happening in spite of various conscious efforts by the NUJ to engage government officials and security forces to address these anti democratic behaviours by those saddled with the responsibility of maintaining law and order.

“We are currently investigating this unwholesome and troublesome assault on the profession, and are compiling a list of official and personal assets of journalists that were either lost, seized, or damaged with a view to determining their value. We expect nothing less than a public apology from the institutions responsible as well as the replacement of the lost or damaged assets of the journalists.

“Lastly, we call for a thorough investigation into these incidences with a view to punishing the culprits.” He concludes.

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