
APC to commence fresh membership drive

By Ezeocha Nzeh

The National leadership of ruling All Progressives Congress) APC) has disclosed it’s readiness to commence a fresh nationwide membership drive to swell the ranks of the party

Chairman of the party’s national caretaker and extra ordinary convention committeeI Governor Mai Mala Buni of Yobe State made the disclosure on Wednesday, when he hosted the Forum of APC State Chairmen at the party’s National secretariate I Abuja

Governor Buni, who also stated that his committee has resolved lingering crisis is several states, noted that the new registration exercise has become very pertinent for the party to win more converts ahead of upcoming polls

“The APC CECPC, having taken over the management of the party’s affairs in the circumstances which you are familiar with a few months ago, has taken and implemented a number of open door policies to revamp and improve the lots of the party both internally and with respect to the party’s integrity and acceptance nationally. Consequently, we have recorded a number of positive results, which include the resolution of several internal disputes that were menacing in several state chapters of the Party.

“These much and as the anchor of the Committee’s modus-Operandi, we have made the decisions and have effected procedures that among several other, have:. ”

Buni further disclosed that his committee has created a level playing ground for all members of the party, inclusive of state chapters to run affairs of the party in their domain without unnecessary and destructive interference from external interests, for as long as the laws and regulations of the Party are duly abided by

“This has consequently ushered in a much needed regime of internal democracy within the party as was obvious in the handling of the various primary elections that were coordinated in the last few months by CECPC; and the manner of the conduct of the recent Ondo state election that the party won

“The CECPC has embarked on massive conflict resolution in the party across the 36 states and FCT. We have also been able to reach a compromise that demands the withdrawal of all internal litigations against the party, to allow for internal resolutions and settlement of disputes. This alone is a huge positive that would not have been possible without your full support and collaboration as party chairmen across the states of the federation. The CECPC, however, will still plead with you to use the goodwill of your offices to ensure the full withdrawal of such litigations that may still remain within your domain before the next NEC meeting of the party. You may however reach out to my office, in writing, if need be for assistance such matters that may be beyond your powers – as it is a part of the consensus building process to restore our party to the path of glory.

“Please, also allow me to use this opportunity to inform us all that the need for our party to undertake a Partywide national membership register update is sacrosanct to our strength and preparation for all upcoming and future electioneering outings.

“The CECPC is already at the table strategising on the national membership registration exercise. The responsibility is on you as able state chairmen to commence the procedure for full sensitisation and needed awareness for a successful membership registration exercise in your various states as we all wait for the final briefing from CECPC.”

Earlier in his remarks, chairman of the Forum, Ali Bukar Dalori, expressed the forum’s appreciation of the caretaker committee’s efforts to return the APC to its former state.

Dalori, who is also the APC C
chairmen in Borno State, assured the chairman and members of the caretaker committee of the Forum’s support

While moving for a vote of confidence of the Chairman and members of the committee, which he was generally supported by members of the Forum, Dalori warned all APC stakeholders to give the committee a chance to return a lasting peace to the party’

He however urged stakeholders that have suggestions on the way forward to the right channel, rather than going public

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