
Shun evil groups, FCT College Provost tells new students

By Daniel Tyokua

The Provost Federal Capital Territory, FCT, College of Education, Zuba, Dr. Muhammad Gambo Hamza has called on the newly admitted students to steer clear of evil associations.

He made the call during the matriculation ceremony for 2019/2020 academic year for regular students at the school campus.

Hamza asked the students to distance themselves from things that will kill them and focus on issues that would uplift their learning standards.

The Provost explained that the college has its own rules and regulations which the students must strictly adhere to.

He said, ” An academic institution is a world of its own and it can make you or mar you, depending on what choice you make for yourself.

“Respect the constituted authority, academic excellence and high moral discipline should be your watch word. Note that examination malpractice is a great offence. Expulsion is the minimum punishment.

“Shun evil associations, avoid the destiny – killers and those who have no focus or a good name to protect. You have good lecturers whom you can take as your role models mentors” he said.

Hamza disclosed that out of those that applied for admission into the College only 1,105 candidates have scaled the institution’s rigorous exercise which culminated into the admission and matriculation exercise.

He told them to be awake to their roles as they embark on the journey towards nation building and development.

The Provost warned them that the College does not tolerate cultism and it’s related activities, saying they need a firm conviction that you are the right people to steer the country in the desired direction.

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