
Forum advances plan to tackle Ogwa community security problem

Poised by recent reports of insecurities in Ogwa Anunu Umumgbe ancient clan in Mbaitoli Local Government Area of Imo State, an organization under the platform of Ogwa Stakeholders Forum (OSF)says they have advanced plans as a matter of exigency to tackle headlong the issues of security threat in the community by the year 2021 with a strategic security road map.

Dr. V. C. Onukwugha, the President of the forum gave  the assurance last Sunday  during the forum well attended End of the Year Dinner Party cum lecture that dwelled on : Youth Integration As a Metaphor For Local Security/Economic Empowerment held at Umunneato Civic Hall, Oburo Umumaaro in Ishi Ogwa autonomous community.

Onukwugha who is the immediate past District 9125 Rotary Governor described the Forum as an apex sociocultural interventionist group in Ogwa and constituted by  patriotic sons of the ancient clan who are committed in using their personal resources and contacts in the overall development and advancement of their  ancient ancestral but peaceful community.

He regretted that the after effects of the Corona Virus pandemic within the year forestalled the Forum’s planned annual philanthropic interventionist   programs such as comprehensive free medical services and youths empowerment through sponsored skills acquisition.

The President passionately appealed to other patriotic sons of the clan to join the Forum in their proactive vision of making the 6 autonomous communities that constituted Ogwa Anunu Umumgbe clan progressively better.

Similarly,the Guest Lecturer, Barr. Henry Onukwugha, a United States of America based legal icon, security chieftain and a member of the forum in his well articulated lecture canvassed on the need for leaders to give a wholistic approach to issues bordering on security.

The Security expert pointed out that the level of insecurities of lives and properties in Nigeria nay Ogwa community of recent have called for serious concern, more especially as they come from evasion by strangers who now forcibly contest and compete with indigenes over their farmlands and forest reserves.

Onukwugha expressed disenchantment over the recent invasion of mega bush reserves and farmlands in Ogwa by Fulani herdsmen especially the former Catholic Church Convent at Umudim/Amiyi Oboro Umueze Ogwa, Ikpa Abazu, with forays and incursions on ikpa well.
He also lamented that the ancient community have equally been ravaged with crime news as kidnapping, armed robbery, gruesome murder, assassination, stealing, drugs peddling among other heinous crimes have become the order of the day.

According to him”these are ominous signs calling for consented efforts to put ourselves together for survival. After all, self preservation is the first law of nature. Towards this realization, there’s a great need to galvanize our youths towards the present security challenges”.

The  Security Czar further recommended for 24 – 7 attention on issues bordering on security informing that one second slip could breach the entire security efforts noting also that in security intelligence”Only God you trust, all others you investigate”.

Onukwugha described every member of Ogwa Stakeholders Forum as a leader in his immediate community and therefore stands a chance of influencing the opinions of a sizeable number of persons who looked up to them within the community on fundamental issues affecting their people which includes political mobilization.

According to the erudite Lecturer in his submission” We can no longer resort to self pity and keep blaming others for the challenges at home. We have a duty to protect and preserve our common patrimony and heritage. Our fathers have done their bit in bringing social amenities to the clan much before the end of colonial rule in Nigeria” he advised.

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