
IPMAN, BCO commends Buhari over nomination of Bawa as EFCC boss

From Pwanagba Agabus, Jos

Sequel to the nomination of
Abdurrasheed Bawa, by President Muhammadu Buhari, seeking Senate’s confirmation as substantive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), has received commendation from the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN), and pro Buhari group, the Buhari Campaign Organisation (BCO).

IPMAN said the petroleum sector is also at the receiving end of corruption that is bedevilling the development of nation, adding that the nomination of Bawa was apt, because he has been in the forefront of fighting corruption.

The BCO also said Bawa’s nomination is like putting a round peg in a round hole, because of his unwavering commitment to his duties of “investigations and prosecution of myriads of alleged financial crimes amongst top politicians and even businessmen”.

The commendation was made in a separate press statements by the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN), and pro Buhari group, the Buhari Campaign Organisation (BCO).

Elder Chinedu Okoronkwo, President of IPMAN said
the petroleum sector is also at the receiving end of corruption that is bedevilling the development of Nigeria.

“Nevertheless, the coming of this administration has put some helping hand in fighting corruption in the sector, and leading the fight is President Muhammadu Buhari’s nominee for confirmation to the seat of substantive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC,  Mr. Abdurrasheed Bawa,” he said.

The association said it is their firm beliefs that his nomination is  rightly apt, going by his performances,  as Deputy Chief Detective Superintendent (DCDS).

“Besides his displayed integrity and sense of patriotism, his age and above all 17 years working with the EFCC as a detective, has earned him vast investigative experience.

“We are satisfied with his nomination more so that he heads the investigations of Mrs Diezani Allison-Madueke, that recovered millions of dollars worth of property in Nigeria, U.K., U.S.A, and U.A.E including 92 of such assets in Nigeria.

“It is also on record that he supervised the investigations of Atlantic Energy Group-from 2014 to 2015 leading to the recovery of assets in Nigeria, UK, USA, Switzerland, UAE and Canada.

“He also headed the investigations of Crude Oil Swaps and OPA case from 2014 to2015, also leading to recovery of assets.

“It is of utmost importance to also highlights the fact that, Mr. Bawa was involved in the Petroleum Subsidy Fraud Investigations from 2012 to 2015 during which fraud of about N70 billion was identified, funds recovered and many companies were prosecuted,” the association said.

It commended Mr. President’s wisdom on the nomination, while also urging the Senate to speedily confirm Mr. Bawa as substantive Chairman of the EFCC.

Similarly, the National coordinator of Buhari Campaign Organisation, Alhaji Danladi Pasali, said they are glad with the nomination of a young man of integrity and experience.

“We are glad that Mr. Abdurrasheed Bawa was carefully and creditably chosen by President Muhammadu Buhari, to serve as substantive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, in recognition of his unwavering commitment to his duties of investigations and prosecution of myriads of alleged financial crimes amongst top politicians and even businessmen,” it said.

The BCO said Mr. Bawa’s nomination is yet another promotion of President Buhar’s integrity to agencies of Government and; “we thus; urge the Senate to speedily confirmed the nomination.”

It said Mr. Bawa’s, nomination is a welcome development, which has shown that President Buhari, has besides heeding to the Justice Ayo Salami’s, recommendations, has also continue to fulfill his promise of letting young credible Nigerians, to fully take charge of affairs of leadership.

“We commend President Buhari’s wise consultations that led to the successful choice and nomination of Mr. Bawa,” it said.

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