
Pwajok replaces Akinkuotu as NAMA Managing Director

Mr. Matthew Pwajok has been appointed as the acting Managing Director of the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA), taking over from the former Managing Director, Capt Fola Akinkuotu, whose tenure expired on January 7, 2022.

Pwajok retired from service in December 2021 as NAMA’s Director of Operations.

His appointment was conveyed in a letter from the Ministry of Aviation,marked FMA/ PS/ APPT/ CEO/014/1/23 directing Pwajok to take over from Akinkuotu pending the appointment of a substantive helmsman for the agency.

The letter, signed by the Director of Human Resources in the Aviation Ministry, Mr. S. D. Muhammad, on behalf of the Minister, reads: “I am directed to inform you that the honourable minister has approved that Mr. Pwajok, Mathew Lawrence, director of operations oversee the office of the Managing Director/CEO pending the appointment of a substantiveMD/CEO.”

The Minister directed Akinkuotu “to kindly accord the director all thenecessary support and cooperation he needs while overseeing theoffice.

“While thanking you for your usual cooperation, please accept theesteem regards of the Honourable Minister.”

Similarly, the Minister approved the appointment and deployment ofdirectors and special assistants to his office, the Federal AirportsAuthority of Nigeria (FAAN), NAMA, and the Nigerian Civil AviationAuthority (NCAA).

This is contained in a letter dated January 12, 2022, markedFMA/PS/APPT/CEO/014/1/21 and addressed to the chief executives of NCAA, NAMA and FAAN.A total of 17 personnel were posted to NCAA (6); NAMA (4) and FAAN (7).

In the memo, the Minister directed that “all handing and taking over exercise, where applicable be completed beforethe close of work on Friday, January 21, 2022.”

The memo further stated that officers deployed to the Minister’soffice “are to continue to draw their salaries and other entitlements from the agencies of deployment.”

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