
JFC holds media parleh on advancing IDP issues

Journalists For Christ on Saturday, held a media parley on advancing issues of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP), in a bid to map out strategic solutions to cushion the effects of the poor welfare of the IDPs.

The JFC was established in 1998, and in 2018, the association sold the idea of the IDP monitoring program to the World Association for Christian Communication WACC, about the plight of the IDPs and they bought into it. 

Since then, the JFC has made efforts to ensure the IDPs have a voice, hence the third edition “Advancing IDP Issues Through Strategic Media engagement and Communication”.

In her remark, the Vice President dent, of the JFC Mrs Ugonma Cokey said that the IDPs issue is not a political issue, but one that is real-time and affects Nigerians. “IDP issue is not just a political issue, it is a humanitarian issue, an economic issue and a social issue, ” she said.

She stressed the need for individual effort in solving the issues that IDPs face which is not caused by them, adding, “if they had caused their problems you will say carry your cross, but they are suffering from problems they know nothing about,” she added.

She urged journalists to be intentional in the reporting of IDP issues, adding that the media is the only voice through which government can hear the plight of IDPs and come to their aid.

She, therefore, thanked journalists and other stakeholders for finding time to be a part of the move to further brainstorm and proffer solutions.

On some of the challenges faced by the IDPs, a member of the IDP community in Abuja speaking on the condition of anonymity stated that lack of education is the greatest issue bedeviling Nigerians who have been made to live outside their homes due to insecurity.

Among other issues highlighted, is the health of the IDPs which is in a deplorable state. Also, donor fatigue has been a key challenge faced by IDPs.

It is therefore a call on government at all levels to pay closer attention to the plight of IDPs and as well put more efforts in tackling insecurity as that is the only safe guarantee for the IDPs to return to their places of origin.

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