
APC convention: Why we endorsed senator Adamu – Group 

By Daniel Tyokua 

Senator Abdullahi Adamu Campaign Organisation has disclosed that supporting Adamu for the All Progressives Congress (APC) chairmanship would bring about reward system for the party’s members.

The National coordinator of the organisation, Lawrence Onuchukwu stated this in a briefing on Sunday in Abuja.
He said senator Adamu’s records put him ahead of other aspirants for the forthcoming chairmanship election.
Onuchukwu explained that the chairmanship aspirant who was a two time Governor of Nasarawa state has what it takes to deliver the party in 2023 general elections and beyond.qZ

He said the current challenges in the party were surmountable, regretting that those who worked assiduously in the past to see that APC won elections at different levels were not rewarded. But assured the members that Adamu will put in place a reward system for all.

According to him,  Adamu’s political experience will make him a better chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

The coordinator said Adamu had defended the interest of the party during the 8th National Assembly.

Onuchukwu said: “In our party we have issues but they are surmountable. Some of those who worked assiduously in the past to see that our party won elections at various levels are yet to be recognised  or rewarded.

” With senator Abdullahi Adamu who is a man of his words and we believe him, there is hope for the party. He will look at all those issues that pose challenge to the progress of the party” he said.

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