
Plans aren’t enough, tell people how you’re to realize them, Bishop Martins admonishes politicians

…As Archdiocese celebrates Chrism Mass

Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos on Thursday, April 14, 2022 celebrated the 2022 Chrism Mass at the Holy Cross Cathedral, where His Grace, Most Reverend Alfred Adewale Martins spoke on the meaning of Oil of Chrism, and other national issues. CYRIACUS NNAJI has the report.

While stating that the mass was designed to bless the oil that will be used in all the Catholic churches in the Archdiocese of Lagos throughout the year, Archbishop Martins also disclosed that the mass was equally designed for the priests to renew their priestly vows so that they would become stronger as God’s instrument of salvation to His people.

Speaking on the role of the priests to continue to lead the people aright he said, “The mass of chrism is the opportunity that we have to recognize the goodness of God, for choosing men to become priests. It is also an opportunity for those who have become priests to renew their commitment to the priestly ministry. That means that they would be available for people at all times, and as many occasions as are needed, that they will be leading the people in prayer, they would be leading the people in whatever social action that is necessary in order that we can truly be responsible citizens of our country and at the same time faithful followers of Christ.”

He maintained that at a critical time such as Nigerians find themselves, he said the priest has huge part to play to bringing hope to the people “Certainly, in this time that is very depressing in very many ways, with the insecurity, because with almost the sense of despondency that is coming, when you see soldiers being attacked at what supposed to be their own safe area, you see railways, roads and airports being under siege, then naturally, it is a very depressing time. So this is a time priests are called, first of all, to help people to know, that there are bad times, but bad times will not last forever, and therefore we must not lose hope, rather than lose hope, we must storm the heavens with prayers. But also, apart from that, they must also encourage the people to rise up to the need, to ensuring that government does what it needs to do for their welfare, by that they sensitize the people to be able to express whatever their challenges are; to express them, not in any violent way, but in a way that will make government to pay attention to them.

“I think the job of a priest include sensitizing people to that level of awareness of making the required call for the change that is needed; and then of course, lead them in prayer, because there is much more that prayers can do that we can never ever imagine,” Martins disclosed.  

He also spoke on the call from certain quarters that people should defend themselves in the face of insecurity in the Nigeria, he said “Well the church does not ask people to take up arms, it is not the job of the church to take up arms, it is the job of the church to help people to recognize that their lives are precious, and if their lives are precious, it is necessary for them to defend their lives and their properties. In order words, citizens should not in any way be aggressors towards other citizens, citizens must not take up arms, or take up violence, but as it just happen these days we hear of bandits going to villages killing people, we hear of kidnappers. You see, every life is valuable, the life of the aggressor, the life of the victim, everyone need to protect his life to the best of their ability,” Bishop Martins opined.

On leadership in the country, he decried the attitude of politicians who have abdicated governance for electioneering campaign, “One thing that is clear now is that much of governance has been put on hold, because of the electioneering activities. We want to ask that even though politicians are supposed to go about their different activities, they should also ensure that governance does not suffer, and in any case in pursuing their electioneering campaign activities, let them be able to tell people the truth about the situation of things, and the situation of things, and then tell them how you intend to make the difference the people are looking for. Because I believe the days should be gone when politicians make blanket promises, from the very moment they are making it you know that they do not even have an idea of what they intend to do, so our people need to interrogate politicians on how they intend to take care of the needs of our people, so that no one will be taken for a ride anymore,” he stated.

Bishop Martins also spoke on the issue of domestic violence and advised the victims of domestic violence to speak up in order to obtain help. He also maintained that in as much as the Catholic Church does not advocate divorce, couples can be separated to avoid loss of lives. “Certainly domestic violence is a horrible thing to happen, and as we are hearing, it is leading to the death of people, and I am sure it has led to the death of many over the years particularly the women folk, and it is cowardice for any man to lay a hand on a woman. It is complete irresponsibility to violate anyone within the family. Of course wife should not violate the husband, because I also hear that happens also.

“Certainly the husband has no right to violate the wife, if they are meant to support one another; that is what they should be. And we keep on saying that if there is abuse, and there is pure abuse, it is important for the woman who is being abused to make sure that she doesn’t just keep silence, she doesn’t keep praying that this will pass away, she needs to make some effort, at least begin, even if it means telling her family about this, so that the family can begin to intervene and interrogate the issue. And if they come into it and there is no way, then the church permit what it calls separation, we do not, in anyway, condone divorce, the church does not permit divorce because Christ does not permit it, that is why. But there is the need to have a separation while everyone that is involved in the marriage does a rethinking, does a re-evaluation in order to ensure that the marriage goes on and the children do not suffer,” Bishop Adewale Martins concluded.

Earlier, according to Reverend Macjoe Akpan who delivered the Homily, he reminded the priests of the essence of their calling as priests. He said as priest, they must be aware of the divine powers they possess as messengers and servants of God, “We are called to bring down heaven on God’s people, in their moment of darkness, as priest we are to be their light, as such we can then say as Jesus, who was anointed by the father, that in our word and our deed we can proclaim that the spirit of the lord is upon us because the lord has anointed us to bring good news to the downtrodden, the poor and all in the society must hear this good news from us and have hope.

“We must not in any way be the cause of their (people) misery, by making unnecessary demands on them, rather we are anointed to offer them the message of salvation of Jesus Christ free of charge, and because of that we are called to a life of sacrifice and selflessness. We must be in solidarity with the people in their joy and pains, in their hunger and in abundance, in their tears and laughter. As priests we are to ponder in proximity with the people, we must be with our people in such a way that we don’t merely proclaim healing upon them from afar, to the broken hearted, but we are invited to touch them and balm them to their wounds. As anointed servants of God we must touch lives, as shepherds we must smell the sheep,” Akpan stated.

Explaining what Chrism Mass means, according to Rev. Fr. Paul Ariola, Chrism Mass and the priesthood, he stated “The chrism Mass is one of the most solemn and important celebrations of the liturgical year. Ordinarily its celebration ushers us into the Tridium. Except in a case of distress and pandemic, or suitable reasons adjudged by the local, ordinarily, the public celebration of Chrism Mass takes place on the morning of Holy Thursday. The Chrism Mass ‘should be, as it were, a manifestation of the priest’s communion with their bishop or archbishop. The renewal of priestly commitments and the blessing and consecration of sacred oils are the Hallmark of this celebration. At the chrism Mass, along with the blessing of sacred oils is the celebration of the institution of the priesthood.”

He spoke further “The Mass takes its name from the blessing of the sacred oil, which are to be used by priests in the administration of the sacraments throughout the year. The holy oils are, Oil of Catechumens, for the celebration of Baptism, Oil of the Sick, for the celebration of the sacrament of the anointing of the sick, and the Sacred Chrism, for the celebration of the Holy Orders, Baptism, Confirmation. And also for the dedication of churches. Unlike the oils of the sick and Catechumen which are blessed, the scared chrism is consecrated. Usually mixed with balsam (an aromatic resin), the sacred chrism is breathed into by the Bishop, signalling the calling down of the Holy Spirit for its consecration.”

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