
Marketing & Tech – How To Know The Types Of Tech Jobs For You

By Chinedu Oparaku

People have different aspirations when it comes to picking a career, especially when it comes to tech jobs. It can be confusing to select a suitable job because many tech writers make every niche seem easy. This article gives you primary information on how to find a suitable tech job.

Firstly, know your ability. Many people live in denial and pick a job that will ultimately make them mediocre. There’s no harm in understanding what you can be able to do at any time. If your brain cannot comprehend coding and development, try graphic designing and other niches that do not need codes. You can be a techie without writing a single code. Some fields that do not require codes include UI/UX design, project management, technical writing, product management and search engine optimization. If you are not up to coding, rest assured that you will excel in any of these fields.

Pick a tech job that aligns with your interest. Passion plays a key role in selecting a job that is suitable for you. As a techie, money will not always be available, but what will sustain you during the drought is your inner fuel- passion. If you select a job that you are passionate about and once there’s no money forthcoming, you will be kept by the drive you have and will not slip into depression or give up totally. Many folks have given up because they picked a job they are not passionate about; once there’s a little hassle, they chicken out because there is no inner drive. So, go for the job that catches your interest; it will help you live through difficult times.

Another vital point to consider is the skill requirement in the job. Research, Assess, and evaluate. These three golden words can help you understand the skill requirements of different tech roles. Additionally, you must be creative and have an eye for detail if you are a graphic designer. You must also consider the growth opportunities available within the chosen field. Look for expanding industries or domains that offer room for career advancement and skill development.

Another way to know your job type is your salary expectations. It is common knowledge that different salaries are allocated to different jobs. Depending on how much you want to earn, you can research the average salary designated for different jobs across the globe.

Finally, your work-life balance is a determinant of the type of techie Job that is right for you. A healthy work-life balance is essential to providing you with career satisfaction. Choose a company whose culture best suits your lifestyle and preferences. Tech companies can have varying work environments, ranging from fast-paced and demanding startups to more established and structured organizations. Evaluate factors like work hours, flexibility, remote work options, and company values to ensure a work environment that promotes your well-being and professional growth.
Considering the above factors, you can make an informed decision about a job that is for you, and ultimately, this will give you satisfaction and fulfilment and a successful tech career path.

Chinedu Oparaku is a Marketing Tech leader and serves as Director of Marketing at Moniepoint Inc.

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