
Allegations of military profiting from terrorism untrue – N/West Youth group

By Chuks Oyema-Aziken

A Youth Group in the North-West, Arewa Alliance for Development has described as untrue allegation labelled against the Armed Forces of Nigeria (AFN) by the Katsina State Governor, Dikko Radda that the Military is aiding and profiting from terrorism activities in Katsina State.

The group in a press release on Wednesday said the allegation is untrue, saying the governor may have been fed the wrong facts on the ground.

The press release signed by the Convener of the group, Isyaku Bello and Secretary, Sani Mahdi said the allegation is weighty and capable of dampening morale of troops engaged in military operations in the region.

The youths said rather, leaders in the North-West should put in more efforts to sincerely tackle insecurity in the North, while giving the Armed forces all the support they need.

They said the North is bleeding economically, saying the case would have been worse if not for the Armed forces of Nigeria under the Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Chris Musa.

The youths said statements from leaders should be carefully chosen in view of the security challenges facing the North.

The Group noted that the military have continued to make sacrifices for peace in the region, saying misdemeanor (if any) should not be generalized.

They said the Armed forces of Nigeria have performed creditably, leading to the killings of those disturbing the peace of the region.

According to the youths, “How can you say the AFN is profiting from terrorism when some of them have fallen victims to the criminals causing devastation in the region?.

“Arewa Alliance for Development urge leaders to in words and actions support and not dampen morale of troops.

“We must not send messages that will cause more tension in the region,” the youths added.

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