
FG moves to incorporate Arabic studies into Almajiri school curriculum

By Felix Khanoba

The Federal Government has announced plans to integrate Arabic studies into the curriculum of Almajiri schools, in collaboration with the National Board for Arabic and Islamic Studies and the Nigeria Arabic Language Village.

According to Dr. Muhammad Sani Idris, the Executive Secretary of the National Commission for Almajiri and Out-of-School Children’s Education, this initiative aims to provide a more comprehensive educational experience for Almajiri students, including a deeper understanding of the Arabic language and Islamic teachings.

Dr. Idris emphasized the importance of this collaboration in preventing misinterpretations of Quranic verses and safeguarding students from manipulation by promoting comprehension alongside memorization. He highlighted the vulnerability of individuals who solely rely on rote memorization, which can lead to distorted interpretations and potentially incite violence.

In addition to incorporating Arabic studies, the Commission is also working to introduce English language education to Almajiri students, equipping them with skills necessary for success in a modern, globalized world. Dr. Idris expressed the Commission’s commitment to providing a well-rounded education that prepares Almajiri students for various career paths.

Furthermore, the Commission aims to collaborate with other relevant agencies to enhance Almajiri education further. This includes providing an accelerated learning program for out-of-school children in the southern part of the country and partnering with the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons to combat trafficking and child labor.

Dr. Idris appealed to the National Board for Arabic and Islamic Studies to hand over the Tsangaya Unit to serve as a learning center for reformed Almajiri education. Both the Registrar of NBAIS, Prof. Yahuza Imam, and the CEO of NALV, Prof. Ibrahim Muhammad, pledged their support in addressing the challenges faced by out-of-school children in Nigeria.

The National Commission for Almajiri and Out-of-School Children’s Education is tasked with coordinating and implementing policies to reform the Almajiri system of education and address the issue of out-of-school children in Nigeria.

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