
2027: ADC kickstarts public engagement, leadership retreat

By Myke Uzendu, Abuja

With 1,097 days to the end of the tenure of the present administration, African Democratic Congress 
(ADC) has lined up series of activities to reposition the party  for better electoral successes and enlighten voters on the importance of exercising their civic responsibilities without any form of inducement.
The retreat, according to the party, is part of a series of programmes aimed at building a strong institutional party with the capacity to provide political leadership for the country.

The activities will commence on Monday in Abuja with a leadership retreat for its executive committee members with the theme: “What Nigerian Voters Want – A Strategic Public Engagement”.
The party also disclosed that the retreat will be officially declared open by the Board of Trustees (BoT) Chairman Dr. Mani Ibrahim Ahmad.

A former Presidential hopeful of ADC,Chukwuka Monye who is a BOT member, Lead Consultant, Wall Street Journal, Amazon Best selling author and social innovator, said that the retreat would focus on the needs and expectations of the Nigerian electorate.
“The retreat will address four key areas ranging from party discipline and governance; digital organisation and mobilisation; improving the quality of party leadership and candidates to addressing voter apathy,” and that  ” a break out group session will deliberate on the key outcomes from the panel session, which will be followed by a synthesization of the recommendations from the break out groups to better equip the party leadership for strategic repositioning” Monye said.

He explained that the panelists will cut across all the geo-political & socioeconomic backgrounds.
Princes Nneka Nebo, Coordinator, Aspirants’ College, added that Political Parties need to listen to voters and “for ADC to become the party of the people, the party has to flow with the voters.”
The party further stated that the retreat will be followed by the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting of the party on Tuesday.

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