
ONSA refute claims Ribadu facilitated return of dethroned Emir

By Chuks Oyema-Aziken

The Office of the National Security Adviser (NSA) has reacted to claims by the Kano State Government that the NSA, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, used his influence to return the dethroned Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero, back to the city on Saturday.

Kano State Deputy Governor, Aminu Gwarzo had accused the NSA of facilitating the return of the dethroned emir to Kano after he was given 48 hours to vacate the throne.

Gwarzo in an interview in Kano, had alleged that the NSA arranged for two aircraft to transport the sacked monarch back to the state

Reacting to the Deputy Governor, Zakari Mijinyawa spokesman of the ONSA described the allegation as false and untrue.

Speaking in Abuja, Mijinyawa urged politicians to be mindful of their utterances, as they may jeopardize security agencies’ efforts to maintain peace in the state

“I read the comments on social media, it is untrue. The NSA did not provide air transport to anyone to Kano.

“Political actors should desist from misinforming the public as law enforcement officials in the state strive to maintain peace and order,”

Governor Abba Yusuf had repealed the state’s Emirate Council Law 2019, which created five emirates councils and five first-class emirs and reinstated Lamido Sanusi, the 14th Emir of Kano, on Friday, four years after he was removed by the immediate past administration of Abdullahi Ganduje.

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