
Onyebuchi Anene’s killing: CP assures family, public of swift justice

By Hassan Zaggi

The Commissioner of Police (CP) in charge of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Benneth C. Igweh, has assured the immediate family of  late Onyebuchi Anene and the general public that just will be done in the shortest possible time.

He gave the assurance in a statement in Abuja in response to the alleged killing of the business man with teargas by a police officer on patrol.

It would be recalled that, few days ago, Anene, was said to be killed by a police officer who sprayed teargas on him.

The CP Federal Capital Territory has since directed the Deputy Commissioner in charge of Criminal Investigation Department to commence an immediate and discreet investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of the deceased.

 “While the police officer responsible for the accidental discharge is in custody, the CP expresses profound and heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and the public at large.

“He unequivocally condemns the unprofessional and disheartening conduct of the police officer and assures family and the public of swift justice,” the CP said in a statement signed by the Spokesperson of the FCT Command, SP Josephine Adeh.

It will further be recalled that on the day the incident happened, the wife of the deceased, Ogochukwu Anene, while responding to questions from journalists, said: “The incident happened on Arab Road, just very close to our house. He was coming back from work around 9 p.m. At the junction, he had an altercation with a motorcyclist who scratched his car.

“As they were arguing, policemen on patrol came and insisted they should go to the police station in Byazhin. He and the motorcyclist said they had settled the matter and didn’t need to go to the station.

“The police insisted and tried to drag him, but he refused because he was close to the estate. He said he had forgiven the motorcyclist.

“But the driver of the police van, sprayed teargas on him before he shot another teargas on his forehead—what you saw stuck on his face was a teargas canister. That wound is very deep. Blood was gushing out as he called for help.

“They went to Kubwa General Hospital, but they were referred to the National Hospital. At the National Hospital, they said they needed to stabilise him before removing it. He died this morning (Thursday).

“I arrived at the National Hospital around 11 p.m. on Wednesday where I met some police officers delegated by the Byazhin Divisional Police Officer (DPO) to take care of him.”

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