
Lords Chosen holds two-day crusade, ‘From Sorrow to Joy’, records amazing miracles

Cyriacus Nnaji

The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry has completed its two-day crusade titled ‘From Sorrow to Joy’, with amazing miracles.

The crusade which took place between February 12 and 13, 2022 was an interdenominational programme which was designed to rescue people from sorrow and bring them to position of joy.

The church made it clear that whoever steps on to the crusade ground, would have all their problems rolled away. This proclamation was made with an air of finality, adding that whether the person likes it or not, their sorrow would be translated to joy even though they also advised their visitors to become members of the chosen family.

Some of the testimonies and miracles recorded at the two-day crusade include that of Oluchi Vincent whose eight years of spirit of deaf and dumb was rolled away. Sister Ngozi Ikerionwu living in Sabon Gari, Kano had her 16 years fracture, spinal cord injury, all rolled away on the first day of the crusade.

Other deliverances include three years paralysis which was healed, liver, kidney and constant urinating rolled away and 17 years deaf and dumb miraculously healed.

On the whole, things that were previously thought impossible were made possible as spirits of deaf and dumb, prostitution, lesbianism, homosexualism were all rolled away. The blind who came to the revival Ground with faith, all received their sight.

As many as received miracles gladly came out to the altar to testify. There were tremendous miracles, madness left their victims as Pastor Lazarus Muoka, the General Overseer of the Lords Chosen Revival Ministries prayed and cancelled death and all manners of afflictions. Cancer, moving objects, heaviness in the body, spirit of blindness left and the blind saw, the lame walked and the dumb spoke, withered legs and hands were restored to normalcy, according to testimonies.

Pastor Muoka said “I can see many rejoicing, it is showing they have come out from sorrow and they have joy in their hearts.”

Most amazing was the testimonies of two children of Helen Azubuike of Word of God Church, one 17 and the other 12, they were deaf and dumb but they were both healed at the crusade.

20 years and 21 years deaf and dumb were healed, while broken knees were joined; three months accident that affected the bones cleared and the victim could be seen walk, knee cap injury terminated, four years paralysis healed, swollen legs, glaucoma, kidney problem  dismissed, chronic waist pain also were rolled away.

The mega testimony of the hour was the testimony by Prophet Newman, the General Overseer of New Life Gospel Ministry, Abeokuta, Ogun State, whose two years chronic headache was rolled away.

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