
No economic, political solution if you don’t embrace God, Pastor Muoka warns world Governments

From Cyriacus Nnaji, Lagos

Pastor Lazarus Muoka, the General Overseer of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries has sent a strong warning to world leaders that there will be no solution in sight for economic and political problems if they don’t embrace God and stop legalizing sin.

Muoka made the disclosure at a two-day retreat/crusade which was titled “God’s Covenant of Peace and Blessings at the Revival Ground of the International Headquarters of the church at Ijesha, Lagos State on Sunday, April 17, 2022.

Muoka said “This generation more than any other has provoked God beyond measure. In our very eyes all over the world various kinds of abomination is being legalized and committed, the world is calling on God to destroy them by their sin. For world leaders their solution for economic and political problems will not work if they don’t embrace God.

“Men sleep with their daughters, prostitution is being legalized; abortion is being legalised, prostitution, gay marriage, killings, shedding of blood, they have provoked God to anger. Men can now marry men and women can marry women. This was the kind of sin that made God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah when they provoked the righteous God to anger, Muoka reiterated.

Muoka said there is cry in Africa, America, Europe, Asia, with government managing economy, while on the other hand evil is everywhere; he said there will be no solution when people commit evil, commit murder, killing without provocation. “Men indulge in killing, kidnapping, cultism, terrorism, while governments of the world stand and watch, he said God is angry.” He stressed that God will judge the unrighteous.

He also emphasized that whether they are kings, presidents, priests, bishops, popes, whoever that refuse to repent from wickedness, the anger of the lord awaits such a person. They will never go unpunished. He said they should surrender to Jesus for that is the only remedy. Adding that heaven is real and hell is real, if you remain unrighteous the anger of God will befall you.
“As solution to the present world economic and political crises, government all over the world must proscribe gay marriage, prostitution, abortion, and blood-letting because Gods is angry.” adding that if they repent, God will forgive them.

He advised men and women to run away from the wrath of God by avoiding every defilement, and keep seeking purity and perfection all their lives.

“Do not entertain sin, don’t bear grudges, unbelief is a terrible sin, anger, impatience, covetousness, masturbation, adultery.” He stated that the unrighteous will never inherit the kingdom of God. Sinners, fraudsters, those in secret cult, making charms, stealing, they will face the wrath of God, warning those who make money through fraud never to bring their money to God of Chosen. He also warned those that wear things meant for the opposite sex, and those who drink or sell alcohol to desist from them.

It was one of those crusades when heaven comes down with amazing miracles. Elizabeth from Edo State was healed of constant urination, urine dropping from her organ, while her doctor said no solution, but after the pastor made declaration she got healing. Donald Nadoke from Gowon Estate, Lagos testified how he was saved from a ghastly accident. While Moses Thomas was discharged of wrong accusations of drugs when he declared that he is a chosen.

Agatha Okafor testified how God healed her daughter’s friend of 16 year’s deaf and dump. Brother Samson Okoye was healed of inability to walk, he was suffering from intestinal obstruction, liver enlargement and cancer of the liver, while another side of his liver was dropping water. He said what God cannot do does not exist. Also healed was Brother Sunday Azokolo whom robbers shot at but the gun refused to fire as he declared he is a chosen. 

IK Chinwobi who lives at Ok-Afa , Ejigbo Lagos with swollen legs as a result of blood clotting was healed. He was taki

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