
Delta lawmaker gives material support to 90 artisans

By Jonathan Lois

The member representing the Ndokwa/Ukwuani Federal Constituency of Delta State in the House of Representatives, Hon Nnamdi Ezechi, has given operational material support to over 90 artisans engaged in fashion designing, barbing, hairdressing and tricycle operation, to boost their businesses.

Items given out were 10 tricycles, 36 sewing machines, 23 hair driers and 22 barbing kits with compliments of power generating sets.

Speaking on the occasion which took place in Kwale, the State Deputy Governor, Sir Monday Onyeme, commended Hon Nnamdi Ezechi for effectively discharging his duties as a Legislator, which included law making, oversight and representation.

Sir Onyeme noted that Ezechi had, over the past one year, given a loud voice to the people of Ndokwa nation in the Green Chambers.

He said the lawmaker had performed beyond expectation and his constituents were proud of him.

The Deputy Governor urged the beneficiaries to put the empowerment items to good use, pointing out that every successful businessman or woman started little

In his remarks, Hon Ezechi said the empowerment programme was only the beginning of more to come, in keeping with his electioneering campaign promises.

The Lawmaker emphasized the need for the beneficiaries not to limit themselves to their trades, as their were lots of other meaningful ventures they could try their hands on to fully actualize their dreams.

He thanked Governor Sheriff Oborevwori, the immediate past Governor of the state, Dr Ifeanyi Okowa and his constituents for the privilege given to him to be in the National Assembly and promised to continually justify the confidence reposed in him.

Some of the beneficiaries who spoke, thanked Hon Ezechi for the kind gesture, describing him as a true representative of his people.


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