
Democracy Day: Prioritise interests of PLWDs in policies, programmes- Group urges govt

By Pwanagba Agabus, Jos

A non governmental organisation, Beautiful Gate Handicapped Peoples Centre has called on governments at all levels to prioritise the interests of persons living with disabilities in their policies and programmes.

It also said doing the aforementioned will give them a sense of belonging as bonafide citizens of the country.

Executive Director of Beautiful Gate Handicapped Peoples Center (an NGO which has catered for the need of persons living with disabilities) Ayuba Burki Gofwan made the call in Jos, the Plateau State Capital, in commemoration of 2024 Democracy Day.

He said, “While I commend and congratulate the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, and the Governors of the 36 States of the Federation on the occasion of the June 12th 2024 Democracy Day Celebration, it is important to bring to their attention the deplorable living conditions of persons living with disabilities across the nation.

According to him, “These persons in their millions across the country who have actively participated in the democratic process are yet to feel the impact of this administration.

“There seems to be a systematic national silencing of the plight of persons living with disabilities”, he decried.

“Even in budgeting, and programs implementation, there are no deliberate actions to carry persons living with disabilities along. This calls for deliberate action in making sure that this sad story changes for the better”, he admonished.

Gofwan also call for the domestication, proper operationalisation and strict enforcement of the Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act across the country in order to protect the rights of persons with disabilities and guarantee that such rights are not violated.

He also called for the swift prosecution of violators to serve as deterrent.

“It is public knowledge that the Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act has been in operation for years in Nigeria. However, persons living with disabilities are yet to sufficiently feel the impact of the law and the structures created.”

“Even the few states that have domesticated the law are yet to ensure full compliance and enforcement to the level that who are potential beneficiaries of the law get the desired attention they deserve.

“This calls for action on the part of the federal and state governments to ensure that persons living with disabilities get the desired attention as citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”

He called on all stakeholders and the public to support persons living with disabilities to achieve their God-given potentials.

The Executive Director urged those in authority and the public to support persons with disabilities earn a living rather that pity them.

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