
Three die of cholera outbreak in Benue

By Chiangi Avese, Makurdi

At least three persons are confirmed to have died from complications resulting from cholera outbreak in Benue State.

Dr. Henry Ijabo, Benue State Epidemiologist who confirmed the outbreak to newsmen in Makurdi on Tuesday said that the three persons died as a result of cholera outbreak in the last two weeks.

According to him, “out of the 13 cases reported since the cholera outbreaks so far, 10 are under observation”.

Dr. Ijabo called on the people to stop open defecation and inculcate the habit of always washing hands, pointed out that there is currently no vaccine for the disease as it is not included in routine immunization programmes.

Calling on the people not to panic, the Epidemiologist said, “the disease is most prevalent in the Agatu, Ado, and Otukpo local government areas in the Benue South senatorial zone and not all of the state as of now”.

He urged the people to maintain high level of hygiene in their environments to help curb the disease from spreading further.

Communities in the Benue South Senatorial district has often been the most hit any time there is cholera outbreak in the state in the last 10 years.

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