
#EndSARS: Resume work, Abuja road users beg traffic officers

By Daniel Tyokua

Abuja road users have urged the traffic officers that manage traffic in the territory to return to the roads and ensure seamless movement and improvement of economic activities.

President, Road Users Development Network of Nigeria, Dr. John Uket made the appeal during a one-day national dialogue on traffic management in Abuja at the weekend.

He said the continued grilock in Abuja and Lagos was as a result of the absence of road traffic personnel from agencies the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Nigeria Police Force, Department of Road Traffic Services (VIO),and others who have left the roads unattended to for the fear of the mayhem of the recent unrest.

Uket said, “We have taken into cognizance the need to reassure you the public support that you have always enjoyed before the protest.

“In the spirit of nationhood and patriotism, we want to kindly appeal to you all to let by-gone be by-gone and forge a new page in our nation’s history”

In his remarks, the Chairman, Federal Capital Territory Traffic Management Team, Ikharo Attah, revealed that his men remain on the road doing their routine job during the #EndSARS protest until it was hijacked by hoodlums when the officers had to seek their safety, leaving the roads blocked and unsafe for the public.

Ikharo bemoaned a situation where traffic personnel were attacked by hoodlums and the people were cheering them up, instead of appealing to them to stop the act.

“We want to be on the road and do our routine job. We won’t let it die. When people are stirred up against us, we get scared. The public should support us.”

He made this submission and promised to report to the FCT Minister, Malam Muhammad Musa Bello, on the appeal from road users for traffic officers to return to the roads because “We all want to get to our destinations on time but not to be held up traffic for hours.”

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