
#EndSARS: FCTA losses 174 vehicles, 3,432 motorcycles to looters

By Daniel Tyokua

The Federal Capital Territory Administration said it has losed about 174 vehicles and 3,432 motorcycles to looters occasioned by the #EndSARS protests.

FCT head of Directorate of Road Traffic Services DRTS popularly known as Vehicle Inspection Officers VIO, Wadata Bodinga disclosed this on Tuesday when the FCT 18-man panel on assessment of damages caused during the #EndSARS agitation in the territory visited its Auto pond at Gosa in Abuja.

Bodinga who put the value of the losses at N1billion, regretted invasion of the Pond by the #EndSARS protests.

The Director gave breakdown of the losses to include 174 vehicles, 3, 432 motorcycles and 43 Rickshaws (tricycles) as the items carted away by the hoodlums.

He said, “We had over 3,432 motorcycles and not one of them was spared, not even a bolt was left because everything was completely looted. We had about 174 vehicles and even the offices were vandalised, including the roof which were removed.

“40 poles of solar have equally been removed; the observation post was vandalised. Anything metal, whether alloy or non-alloy were removed. The fence was pulled down and the rods removed. About 43 Keke NAPEP were stolen. The transformer supplying the place electricity was also taken away. I think the hoodlums stayed here for like three days or so, continuously looting the place.

“We have evaluated the items. Like the motorcycles, we placed a value or N26, 000 on each and even at that value, you have money running into over N800 million and the value of the vehicles is about N76 million. So, in all, what has been looted here is over N1 billion”.

At the Idu Industrial Layout, Chairman of the Abuja, Nasarawa and Niger branch of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria MAN, Mr Odun Emasealu who commended the FCT minister, Malam Muhammad Musa Bello for his prompt intervention to halt the looting, said billions of Naira investments have been lost.

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