
Attack on Orton must not be politicised — Buhari

*Orders investigation
By Chesa Chesa
President Muhammadu Buhari has condemned the attack on Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue State, saying the string of brutal attacks on individuals and communities in the State, with the latest one targeting the Governor, was unacceptable.

The President welcomed the dispatch of a high level team of crack investigators to the State from the Police headquarters in Abuja, urging the officers to uncover who, or whatsoever, was behind the attacks and bring them to justice.

A presidency statement on Sunday night said Buhari expressed his sympathies, and that of the federal government to Governor Ortom and all Benue indigenes. 

President Buhari said the unfortunate incident must not be politicized, reiterating that an attack on one Nigerian is an attack on all Nigerians.

The President directed the Police to undertake a thorough investigation into the incident involving the governor and into all such incidents affecting individuals and communities in the state.

“Let there be open and transparent investigation and whoever is linked to it should be caught and be made to face the law,” the President directed.

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