
Ganduje did not intentionally step on Kwankwaso’s poster, says Garba

From Maduabuchi Nmeribeh, Kano

Kano state Commissioner for Information, Malam Muhammad Garba, has cleared the air over a viral picture on the social media depicting Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje  stepping on the poster of former Governor Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso during  the  All Progressive Congress (APC) Saturday’s mega reception rally , saying it was not intentional.

According to a Statement signed by Malam Garba and made available to journalists Monday morning, stepping on the poster of the former Governor, “was unintentional and totally unpremeditated.”

Malam Garba explained that,  “no matter the political misunderstanding and differences, it has never been the character of Governor Ganduje to engage in any disrespectful or act of belittling any political leader.”

He said, “while the issue has been twisted by some injudicious elements who are busy parodying the scenario for their egoistic interest, it would become a big wound to the conscience if facts are misrepresented.”

Giving an account of what actually happened, Malam Garba further stated, “during the events, which was organized as part of activities marking this year’s Democracy Day, two former gubernatorial candidates and many members of the Kwankwasiyya defected to the APC.

“When Governor Ganduje was called to the podium, the former Kwankwasiyya members lined up on the way to applaud and pay their allegiance to the governor.

“Some of the members who abandoned the Kwankwasiyya movement at the event, parenthetically, were down playing pictures of the former governor, one of which, dropped on the red carpet as Governor Ganduje walked his way to the podium, and unknowingly stepped on it.”

The Commissioner, however, emphasised that,  “Ganduje is known by many as peace loving, tolerating and habour no grudges to influence such act.”

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